Sunday, December 18, 2016

I own week 51 and 52 at OLCC.

I own week 51 and 52 at OLCC. I purchased them 3rd party. Last year I went to the presentation and was offered to convert to points if I purchased a week. I am concerned about converting to points because I want to protect the weeks that I have because I plan on using one of the weeks every year. However, I like the option of being able to take my second week and upgrade to a 3 bedroom or change the week that I don't use for the week that I am there so that I can have another family join us on our vacation. The sales people make the point system sound so good and that I will not have problems with exchanges and the weeks that I want will be there unlike RCI. I am looking for advice from those that have purchase a week from the developer so that they can convert their fixed weeks to points.


  1. I also was very happy with my week when I was offered a chance to convert to points. Did it just weeks before the offer expiration - have been thrilled ever since.
    I had just moved to Nevada and didn't feel that I would really even need my week, why pay more for something I probably won't even want. Was I wrong? Yes.
    I joined HICV, and have even bought another week. Living in Nevada has just made it easier to use.

  2. What benefit does owning a signature unit give if owned with other non-signature units in a points account?

  3. Owning any signature unit allows you to reserve signature units at any resort ten months in advance. Members who don't own signature units can only get access to signature units 60 days in advance. Also, signature owners can join RCIs Registry Collection program if they want.
