Wednesday, July 27, 2016



My parents just upgraded to 1,000,000 points at Holiday Hills in Branson. Was that a good move? They went from 3 deeded weeks to the point system.


  1. Tyson Schilling   If your parents have only $2000/year for maintenance on that many points, they got an amazing deal - I'm jealous, and a little skeptical.  Please make sure you're positive of that maintenance.
    As for being able to rent out to other people - they can, but I personally wouldn't plan on having much success in that.  I'm sure friends and family would appreciate the great value that points priced at $2/1K points could provide though - plus all the upgrades and such that come with 1000000 point membership, so maybe they could have great success.

  2. $2000 a year maintainence in a million points would be AMAZING!

  3. They have until the 31st to cancel the deal, they were given 725,000 points for the 2 Ambassador Units at Holiday Hills and the condo at Orlando Breeze moving them to points. That all cost them $37,025. Then to get to 1,000,000 points another $20,000. Maintenance Fees will be $2,000 a year. Should they keep this or cancel it?
