Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Has anyone recently bought HICV points on resale, and tried transferring them into IHG rewards points?

Has anyone recently bought HICV points on resale, and tried transferring them into IHG rewards points?

I know from experience from the points that I bought retail, I have been able to transfer HICV points to IHG rewards club points at a 5:4 ratio and nominal fee.

I am currently in the process of buying HICV points on resale and the seller/broker told me that I would not be able to transfer them to IHG rewards. Has anyone heard of this. I thought you would be able to transfer them, as the points would be banked/mixed in with my other points (bought retails, go figure). I would like to know how this would be policed. Does anyone know if this is true? Is it written anywhere?

Any and all comments welcomed!!!


  1. Scott - I have fixed weeks and am buying points at SB and SM. In order to book with the points will I have to pay the HICV fees and join?

  2. Bill J SB and SM are points only, meaning that you will not be able to use the units at all without paying HICV annual dues.

  3. I bought a 91,000 point resale unit at Smoky Mountain Resort four months ago and transferred the 2018 points to IHG before the deadline. The transferred points immediately showed up in my IHG account.
