Monday, June 22, 2015

Biennial unit update - when I was inquiring about converting fixed weeks, I was informed that odd/even units count...

Biennial unit update - when I was inquiring about converting fixed weeks, I was informed that odd/even units count as half points every year, but that you cannot get Preferred status through resale purchases - you have to make a retail purchase (min $5K typically) to get status


  1. Jerry Ackerman HICV is telling me the points you bring from outside do not count towards status.  When you paid $5K, how many points did you have, and did they just give you Elite temporarily?  If you need 150K to reach Premier, does that mean you have 350K?

    Here are the point levels:

    Preferred: 300K
    Premier: 500K
    Prestige: 750K
    Elite: 1000K


  2. When we paid the $5k we brought in 3 properties at the time of the buy and they signed a paper saying we could bring in 2 more weeks.  That gave us a total of 805K points.  With the recent acquisition were are at 855K points.  We need  145K to get to elite.  Right now were at  Presitige.  When you check in they pull you into there office, sit you down and give you a beer.  Not the end of the world, but its nice.

    At the recent purchase at Myrtle Beach were told our points (outside purchases) would count towards status and to do it soon because the program was going to change.  They stated once you reach a level they can not take back the benefits.  They are planning on adding a 2 million point level at which you will have some more special benefits.

    I spoke to HIVC today and the booking agent told me the the same thing you have said about the points not applying to status but they would be brought in as points.  A few weeks ago I was told to speak to the assurance officer.  He told me they do apply to status.  I spoke to him in his office.  It is a bit confusing.  In a few weeks I should know either way.  I am bringing in 4 more weeks.

  3. Definitely keep us posted!  When I crossed 300K, I had status for a couple of weeks and then lost it.  The booking agent said it was because biennial units don't count towards status, but one of the owner email reps (who I have emailed numerous times and has not been wrong yet) said it was because status is only updated when you make a retail purchase.  Since I was asking for general information about buying resale non-points weeks and doing a bulk conversion and this was listed as a benefit of doing so, I tend to think she's probably right.

